Tuesday, August 11, 2009

chicago comic con and more

hey all 
I have just recovered from the chicago comic con and just wanted to say thanks to all of you who stopped by especially the ones who got art and sketches you help make this con very successful for me. AS for the con on the Whole it was very poorly organized and rather lack luster for a few reasons 1. two weeks after san diego no wonder it was hard to get pros and publishers to show up( yeah thats right no marvel,DC,Dark horse,Top Cow ect.....). 2. the con was on the same weekend as lollapalloza sooo of course everyone and their mother was in grant park downtown at the super huge show which means attendance was down at the con. Don't get me wrong the people who showed we hard core comics folk and great people whole were buying art and getting sketchs. but the whole point of the show is to attract the most people you can get. 3. and MY BIGGEST ISSUE was the con badge/wristbands this year you got a badge(which was a super cheap printed thing) and a wrist band which was the real badge to get on the floor the thing with your name on it was just for show the WRIST BAND WAS WHAT YOU NEEDED TO KEEP ON FOR FOUR DAYS it was cheap,lame and I felt like a dork at the bar during the evening with the stupid wrist band on. Still I did very well at the con this year and would again like to thank all of you who stopped by.

Also here is the link to my new web page check it out if ya get a chance. 

Monday, August 3, 2009

chicago comic con

hey all just wanted to let you know I will be attending the chicago comic con aka wizard world chicago. I will be at my artist alley table space #5104 doing sketches ,selling art, as well as raffling off some cool stuff. So stop by if your in the area!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

drink and draw SDCC09

these are a few of the drunken sketches I did at the drink and draw at the SDCC thursday night at hennesy's. These are just black suit spidy and red rain batman done in marker on the D&D coasters they gave us. It was a fun time with lots of cool artists and crazy stuuf