Sunday, December 20, 2009

holly jolly happenings

As Christmas fast approaches here are some wintertime events to keep the holiday Grinch at bay.

First off is the Chicago Drink and Draw this is a annual meet up on one tuesday of the month this time its dec 22nd at The Chicago Ale House at 8 pm. This event is an informal artist meet up where comic creators from the chicago community hang out draw and drink their blues away. Its always a fun mix of mainstream and indie artistes. Just grab your pad and pencils and have a great time.

Also is december is full of 24 hour madness. Both Challengers and Gram Cracker comics on dec 23-24 will be having 24 hour events. Gram Cracker comics in Naperville will be open and celebrating for 30 hours in a row.

Then in the heart of the city Challengers comics will be hosting their Blackest Night before Christmas party with special guest artist Art Baltazar so stop by and wish art a happy birthday plus get some cake.

Next on the holiday hit list is the wednesday without comics yes that's correct new comics wednesday on the week of dec 30th will have only one new comic out that week. So what is a hard core comic geek to do?

Head on over to the downtown loop location of Gram Crackers comics their will be a signing by Jiba Molei Anderson as well as some other indie artists. So stop by and get the inside track on the indie comics scene in chicago.

Also that week Mike Norton will have his hostile take over of Challenger's comics. Mike has been plotting all year and on the Dec 30th his plans come to pass. He will be signing and playing host to a wide variety of comics fun and mayhem that day. Stop by and hear is dastardly laugh and his other plans for world domination.

Last but not least the Weaton location of Gram Crackers comics will be having a new years eve party on Dec 30th. This party will have lots of food,fun, and a host a great prizes given away at the top of every hour.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

video art

hey all just wanted to post a link to a music video I did some art for awhile back. I did all the drawings for the video. here is the link

Monday, December 7, 2009

Happy holidays

just wishing everyone a happy holidays with this holiday card.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Holiday gifts for the Geek pt1

As the holiday gift-buying season is in full swing here are some gift ideas for the comic and pop culture fans in your life.

I’m not going to waste your time recommending comics of graphic novels if the person your buying gifts for reads comics just ask them what books they want and then get all the details title, artist, and were to get the books. There are numerous comic shops in the Chicago area that have a huge selection of books such as Challengers, Chicago comics, Brainstorm, Evil squirrel, Third Coast, Quinby’s, The Comic Vault, Grahamcrackers and numerous Boarders stores.

What I can suggest are some items that scratch that comics fan’s itch and may not be something they may think of. First are Toontumblers these are pint glasses with comic book and cartoon characters printed on the glasses. The tumblers can be gotten in sets or as singles with a wide variety of comic book characters on them.

Second are Gelskins these are coverings or ìskinsî for computers, gaming machines, cell phones and mp3 players. The skins feature art work from a wide variety of artists many who do comic work such as Mike Mignola and his Hellboy skins, Tara McPherson who as done art for DC Comics Vertigo books. There is also art from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Umbrella Academy, the Goon, Metal Gear Solid and many more.

Third are Mimobot designer flash drives which are super cool looking flash thumb drives great for carrying and storing data. The drives come in fun designs such as Starwars, Halo, Hello kitty, Domo and lots of original designs.

Fourth are T-shirts these days getting comic book t-shirts are super easy Old Navy, Urban Outfitters, Hot Topic and Target have a good variety of classic Comic book characters in fun styles. Also Most of the comic shops in Chicago carry a good supply of current Comic book t-shirts with modern characters and styles. Also places like Threadless T’s and Shirt Fight have a huge selection of fun and funky Shirts for both kids and adults.

That’s all for now coming next time will be fun games, cool clothes, and handy computer stuff for your friendly neighborhood Fanboy.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Holiday Geek Speak

With the winter holidays coming on fast its time to spot light some of the events going on in the Chicago area as well as how to give Santa your geeky gift demands.

First off I want to focus on how to let your family and friends know what comic book or other geek gifts you want for the holidays. To start don’t use "geek speak" i.e. nerd slang similar to jock talk or gamer speak. Geek speak is any slang or in-group talk that is clear to any other comic geek but is complete gibberish to the outsider or the uniformed. This past thanksgiving my brothers and my nephew were sitting around talking comics and my little niece was lost (and disinterested) as to what we were talking about. For example don’t ask for the "ohotmuî"pronounced O-hot-mu but rather ask for the Official Hand Book of Marvel Universe.

Many if not all hobbies, activities and recreational activities have their own in-speak whether its fans discussing a specific sport and it’s rules or D&D gamers talking about their favorite module or piece of equipment. In every example the slang or geek speak alienates outsiders and is exclusive. Keeping the exclusive nature of geek speak in mind try to translate your conversation into terms outsiders can understand making it easier for them to get you the items you want for the holidays.

Often around this time of year I see girlfriends, mothers and wives venture into my local comic shop Chicago Comics and try to get something for the comic geek in their life. Almost in every case the non comic geek has no clue what their loved one wants or already has and ends up purchasing some random comic related item. This act is similar to when a guy goes into a clothes store to get something for his girl friend and has no idea what size she is or what style she wears and just gets whatever the sales person suggests.

Minimizing geek speak as well as translating your hobbies hot holiday items will help include your friends,family,and significant other into the world of your hobby and insure your holiday gift satisfaction.

Another way to get some holiday comic geek satisfaction is by attending some of the fun holiday events at Challengers comics on Dec 23-24th they will be having the blackest night before Christmas 24 hour event with special guest, Tiny Titans artist Art Baltazar. Also on Dec 30th artist supreme Mike Norton takes over Challengers and will host a variety of comic fun.

Chicago comics has some cool events on tap for December such as on Dec 11th they with be holding a Reading and Pictures charity event with lots a free comic give aways and free snacks. Then on Dec 16th they will be hosting a C2E2 meet and greet with free swag and a chance to get tickets for the event. This event is also a go chance to get the inside info on this huge comic con coming to Chicago in April.

Brainstorm Movies,Comics,and Games will be having a huge pink tag toy drive and sale on giving store credit and discounts to those who donate toys to the charity drive now throught Dec 23rd.

Third Coast Comics will have super dooper artist Gene ha in the store signing comics as well as doing sketches on December 12th.

So head out this December and get your comic geek on, but just remember to have your universal translator with you to aid the geek speak impaired.