As Christmas fast approaches here are some wintertime events to keep the holiday Grinch at bay.
First off is the Chicago Drink and Draw this is a annual meet up on one tuesday of the month this time its dec 22nd at The Chicago Ale House at 8 pm. This event is an informal artist meet up where comic creators from the chicago community hang out draw and drink their blues away. Its always a fun mix of mainstream and indie artistes. Just grab your pad and pencils and have a great time.
Also is december is full of 24 hour madness. Both Challengers and Gram Cracker comics on dec 23-24 will be having 24 hour events. Gram Cracker comics in Naperville will be open and celebrating for 30 hours in a row.
Then in the heart of the city Challengers comics will be hosting their Blackest Night before Christmas party with special guest artist Art Baltazar so stop by and wish art a happy birthday plus get some cake.
Next on the holiday hit list is the wednesday without comics yes that's correct new comics wednesday on the week of dec 30th will have only one new comic out that week. So what is a hard core comic geek to do?
Head on over to the downtown loop location of Gram Crackers comics their will be a signing by Jiba Molei Anderson as well as some other indie artists. So stop by and get the inside track on the indie comics scene in chicago.
Also that week Mike Norton will have his hostile take over of Challenger's comics. Mike has been plotting all year and on the Dec 30th his plans come to pass. He will be signing and playing host to a wide variety of comics fun and mayhem that day. Stop by and hear is dastardly laugh and his other plans for world domination.
Last but not least the Weaton location of Gram Crackers comics will be having a new years eve party on Dec 30th. This party will have lots of food,fun, and a host a great prizes given away at the top of every hour.